Ryan tasting a local Ugandan Chili with Reminator (aka Remmy)

Ryan performing his magic trick for everyone!
As we part ways and head back to Adelaide it was a chance for me to ask each team member to reflect on their experience on the Kain Foundation’s Uganda 2018 Trip. Over the next few days you will hear from each team member and what the experience meant to them.
The first reflection comes from Ryan (aka Brucey):
An incredible experience that is truly difficult to summarise in words. It’s what I expected and at the same time completely unexpected.
While education is important, in the daily grind of Uganda it is not enough. People need to be successful in business to get ahead in a society where well paid jobs are few and far between. To this end I think the Kain Foundation is on the right path with Junior Landcare program, and it’s brilliant to see an Australian developed program being exported around the world.
African culture is intriguing and difficult to reconcile with our own way of life. I am not one for motooke, Ugandan food more closely resembles fuel. African song and dance is a must. The countryside is beautiful. The weather amazing.
Its easy to get caught up in our own daily struggles, they are real, but not necessarily as great as we may appreciate. It’s refreshing to step into the world of those less fortunate, if only briefly, to put everything into perspective.
Finally, thanks to my fellow team members, Killer, Ucci, Zag, Dany and the ‘Remminator’, it’s been a pleasure sharing the experience with you. Lots of laughs, and some hilarious quotes, remember what happens on tour stays on tour!