Today in recognition and celebration of International Women’s Day we share this story about an inspiring group of women from the village of Mayindo, Uganda. Those who have been on our last two Uganda immersion trips will fondly remember dancing and cooking with these women. Their story and many more from our Kain Foundation community are featured in the FY17 Annual Report that we’ll publish next week.
Back in 2007, Tony Wanyoike of Hopeline Organization brought together a group of women from the village of Mayindo, Uganda. They were largely single mothers, abandoned by their husbands or widowed, struggling to make ends meet. Tony’s wish was to have them offer each other emotional support, while he sourced valuable skills training for them. As a core group of 10 women, they began communal gardening and animal rearing. The group really began to take off in 2014 when they were taught how to make reusable sanitary pads. The women saw the opportunity in this training and not only carried it on, but redesigned the pads to make diapers as well. Today, that core group runs its own creative learning centre and teaches over 80 members sewing and handicraft skills. They also make liquid soap. All their products are available in local markets. Financial self-reliance in on the horizon for the women of Mayindo village!
Thank you Leslie from The Real Uganda for sending us this story and wonderful picture of the Mayindo Women’s Support Group together with volunteer from The Real Uganda.